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Monday, March 10, 2014

San Andres Island

The northernmost and last stop in in our Latin American trip was in San Andres. A paradise island, located 750 km north of the Colombian coast in the Caribbean sea. We could enjoy several dives with tropical fishes and corals, well worth the trip!

Warm and transparent waters...

People here call it the sea of 7 colors, it actually makes sense!

Blue and violet lizards live on the island.

Tourist can rent golf cars to go around the island, lots of fun!


  1. does the golf car can be transform in a boat ?
    can't imagine how beautiful the 7 colors sea in real.

  2. haha! no the golf car wont float, but we are not sure as we didn't try! :)

  3. t'es tout maigre Romain, est ce que tu manges? Je t'envoie un colis de nourriture sur le champs! signé: la mama

  4. Bien immite! J attend d`etre de retour pour me gaver de reblochons et saucisson savoyard!
