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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Buenos Aires

For the long holidays of the "Fiestas Patrias" we decided to cross the border and go to visit the Argentinian capital.

The contrast between Santiago with its American influence and Buenos Aires which looks like Europe was surprising. Buenos Aires is quite big with 17 millions inhabitants and is filled with museums, parks and beautiful avenues, culture was everywhere in the city.

Puerto Madero is a modern port with a lot of charms, quite similar to the docklands in Dublin.

Caminito is located in La Boca, a colorful bohemian neighbourhood with italian influences.

Tigre is the little venise of Argentina. Made of hundreds of canals, it hosts the antique summer houses of the Buenos Aires bourgeoisie

We couldn't miss the famous Tango.

The delicous "Asado Argentino" we could enjoy in our hostel

The pink house is residence of the president.